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Texas State University Admission Essay Topic
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Does Alternative Medicine Really Work?
Does Alternative Medicine Really Work? Eduardo Gomez Mr. Thomas Corbet Elective medication extend from natural solutions for needle therapy and were commonly utilized by individuals who can't utilize regular medication. In any case, today numerous individuals utilize elective medication since they dread huge pharmaceutical medications or can't bear the cost of the increasing expense of medicinal services. Individuals guarantee that elective prescriptions work and recuperate them of diseases yet do elective drugs truly work when contrasted with customary medication? In an ongoing report, it was discovered that around 40 percent of United States grown-ups utilize a portion of the accompanying types of option, medication mind-body intercessions, naturally based treatments, body-based strategies, or vitality techniques. These techniques for medication got engaging grown-ups during the early or mid nineteenth century as they were advertises as sheltered and common strategies. During this time elective medication really rivaled customary medication. Anyway towards the finish of the nineteenth century, elective medications were condemned as clinical discoveries helped specialists comprehend the human body better. In todays society, elective medications have again picked up notoriety for two reasons, one is the point at which they are showcased as protected in view of the dread of inoculations or super bugs that have created as a result of some regular practices(Ventola). Another explanation is the hole among doctors and individuals today. In the Unite d States, the expense of medicinal services is inconceivably high such a large number of Americans resort to options that are less expensive. Americans additionally approach the web, which permits individuals to spread bogus data about traditional medication. For instance, numerous individuals accept that immunizations and anti-infection agents have connections to disease and along these lines utilize elective medication rather than regular techniques. Elective medications extend from a variety of practices. Brain body intercessions incorporate treatments, for example, trance, contemplation, yoga, biofeedback, and kendo. As per a 2002 study, 62% of grown-ups in the United States use mind-body mediations. Be that as it may, this training is frequently just utilized on individuals with low physical and passionate hazard whose condition is actualized by pressure (Wahbeh). Along these lines for states of being instead of enthusiastic conditions, mind-body mediations loses to regular medication. Organically based treatments incorporate the utilization of herbs, nourishments, dietary enhancements, and normal items (Ventola). The thoughts behind the training is to devour items that are plentiful in nutrients and minerals to support your body. Albeit throughout the years, numerous preliminaries have been done on these treatments yet just few have demonstrated to be 100% compelling. A few items, for example, home grown teas or ligament of s harks are useful by giving the body nutrients or minerals that you may be inadequate. In this manner, this sort of elective medication could demonstrate to helpful after some time. Anyway for increasingly prompt consideration to a medical problem, traditional medication would be progressively valuable. Body-based techniques which incorporate back rubs, chiropractic, and osteopathic control are demonstrated to be as influenced as traditional medication. This training centers around permitting the body to recuperate itself by utilizing power and back rub treatments on bones, joints, and tissues. Patients of chiropractors and back rub advisor have been totally fulfilled when they are managing back torment or different issues. The issues with this training is that numerous schools don't show manual treatments for explicit conditions and there needs best in class hardware for explicit treatment (Rosenheck). Body-based treatments are helpful to patients around the globe and here and there are superior to regular prescriptions. Vitality techniques is doubtlessly the elective medication that individuals find most skeptical.ã‚â The strategy incorporates Reiki, restorative touch and electromagnetic field presentation. Every one of the treatments manages an individual either contacting you or waving their hands over you body. The science behind the particular strategy for attempting to recuperate somebody body is faulty, anyway the treatments makes you unwind. Consequently the treatments may end up being powerful since unwinding can fix numerous medical problems, for example, wellbeing ailment. These acts of elective techniques are in some cases flawed yet demonstrate to cause unwinding which is amazingly advantageous to medical problems. The adequacy of elective medication is begging to be proven wrong. A large number of its strategies do not have the science behind it when contrasted with ordinary medication. Along these lines a few people think that its simpler to utilize and trust in regular medication. The fundamental explanation for the accomplishment of elective medication is the capacity for an individual to unwind. Every strategy is anything but difficult to partake in and frequently includes the individual being fixed. For instance, some ordinary strategies are tedious and troublesome as elective techniques are typically simple and brisk. Elective medication permits the individual to loosen up which is very gainful to the human body. In any case, so as to think about the adequacy of option and traditional medication in an individual, we should take a gander at that people perspective and their condition. In the event that an individual accepts they can be relieved utilizing restorative touch, at that point t hey will undoubtedly be relieved yet on the off chance that an individual puts stock in specialists than any drug they are endorsed will in all probability mend them. Emergency clinic settings may likewise meddle with a people capacity to mend appropriately and along these lines elective prescriptions that should be possible at home are in many cases better for the individual. The patients want to be recuperated and their convictions assume an essential job while deciding the adequacy of each training. The state of the patient additionally assumes a job since certain conditions may require prompt consideration which can just truly be demonstrated by ordinary medication. Genuine conditions are better taken care of when utilizing regular practices when contrasted with elective practices. The choices at last comes down to the patient and how they need to be dealt with. By and by, I utilize and have confidence in both regular and elective meds. I look for elective drugs when they are proper in view of the dread of superbugs or the symptoms of ordinary medication. In any case, traditional medication is additionally incredibly helpful and more qualified for genuine medical problems. In this manner, individuals should consider the circumstance, picked elective or customary medication for what is more qualified for them and be the own appointed authority of the meds viability. References Ventola, C. Lee. Current Issues Regarding Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the United States. Drug store and Therapeutics. MediMedia USA, Inc., 8 Aug. 2010. Web. 14 Dec. 2016. Wahbeh, Helanã ©, Siegward-M. Elsas, and Barry S. Oken. Psyche body Interventions: Applications in Neurology. Nervous system science. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 10 June 2008. Web. 02 Jan. 2017. Rosenheck, Druss. Manipulative and Body-Based Practices: An Overview. Manipulative and Body-Based Practices: An Overview. WETA, 2009. Web. 02 Jan. 2017. Engel, Meredith. Does Energy Healing Really Work? NY Daily News. NY Daily News, 18 July 2014. Web. 02 Jan. 2017.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Making of the Modern Middle East Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Making of the Modern Middle East - Essay Example In any case, they were frustrated by the expanded uncertainty and precariousness of these states (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Irag) as Irag rebelled against British. The states got baffled as Great Powers reneged on the previous guarantees of making free states. â€Å"The political units made after WWI by royal forces were not domains that were fundamentally used to be represented as a solitary units (Walker, 2003; Kelidar 1993).†The settlement separated the Middle East into two; British and French ordered regions. There was no freedom for the made states and must be administered by French and British while they needed to begin without any preparation. Their own kin and rulers dismissed the states that had no organized political bases notwithstanding being parceled into political units. Discontents heightened prompting expanded precariousness and instability inside these States that saw Irag upheaval against the British. The made states face trouble in to structure a system that can genially understand residential political wrangles (Kelidar, 1993, p.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Birth Control Research Papers - Learn More About How They Can Help You Learn
<h1>Birth Control Research Papers - Learn More About How They Can Help You Learn</h1><p>The significant progression in the present scholastic field is the entrance to conception prevention investigate papers. This advancement innovation has empowered numerous various orders to progress by a wide margin towards understanding and better usage of this amazing biotechnology instrument. Biotechnology applications have now come into full center, furnishing specialists with not just improved exactness and accuracy in the creation of items, yet in addition a quicker and increasingly viable execution of the processes.</p><p></p><p>Biotechnology is tied in with taking force from nature and making it helpful for man. It targets doing so utilizing various types of 'remediation' of the earth. It incorporates a few different regions, for example, horticulture, pharmaceuticals, food, nourishment, and life sciences. The usage of these biotechnological advanc es has effectsly affected humanity, especially on the domains of medicinal services and the soundness of our society.</p><p></p><p>In request to comprehend the advances made in the field of biotechnology, it is basic to remember that a portion of the key developments incorporate the exploration papers on bioterrorism, anti-conception medication look into papers, the revelation of living biofilms and numerous others. Among these few sorts of advances, the bioterrorism inquire about papers have gotten one of the major breakthroughs.</p><p></p><p>Various pathogens are known to have the option to make due for significant stretches in a natural setting, subsequently presenting dangers to humankind. This is the place the progressions in biotechnology step in. It has now been understood that organic materials can endure even without food and water, in this manner making them helpless against the assaults of different pathogens.</p><p ></p><p>The bioterrorism examine papers center around various parts of these pathogens, including the confirmation of their capacity to utilize natural materials for different germ fighting assaults. Different advancements, for example, the revelation of living biofilms and the examination of the already unnoticed associations between microorganisms is one more territory which researchers have been moving in the direction of and which is relied upon to additionally help in the improvement of new products.</p><p></p><p>These new disclosures on the infections that plague humanity and their potential cures are just going to make things simpler for the analyst and the researcher's information turns out to be increasingly exact. More than being helpful for the good of their own, the examination papers are additionally making a serious name for themselves in the clinical and academic network. This is because of the way that it empowers the scientists to investigate the numerous manners by which such materials can be utilized for clinical purposes, therefore adding to the improvement of our cutting edge clinical industry.</p><p></p><p>The progressions in the biotechnology field are significant in that they empower the analyst to make their disclosures increasingly powerful and to the advantage of the researcher's information. Instead of their creation turning into an instrument in causing significantly more mischief to individuals, the ideas found through the use of these materials are ensuring that the examination procedure is increasingly exact and centered. This not just gives the researchers more understanding into the complexities of the procedure, yet in addition considers better administration of the assortment, study and assessment of the materials.</p><p></p><p>Now that you have taken in more about the bioterrorism investigate papers, you ought to be anticipating learn mor e on how you can improve your own examination. As new improvements occur in the business consistently, it is just fitting that you connect with the perfect individuals who can assist you with comprehension and research on this progressive innovation, at the same time carrying you closer to the revelations you will in the long run be glad to have made.</p>
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Top Tips of Teenage Pregnancy Argumentative Essay Topics
<h1> Top Tips of Teenage Pregnancy Argumentative Essay Topics</h1> <p>Writing a pugnacious exposition is an aptitude that anybody in school should know, in spite of the fact that it tends to be helpful outside the homeroom, moreover. Before you turn in your task, you are going to need to look at it one last second. GPA is a somewhat significant aspect of school life, and can even figure out what sort of universities your youngster gets into. Few out of every odd child is destined to be genuinely fit, and various youngsters tend to experience the ill effects of sicknesses that could prevent them from getting a more noteworthy evaluation in Gym. </p> <h2> The True Meaning of Teenage Pregnancy Argumentative Essay Topics</h2> <p>Nevertheless, before you start conceiving your contentions, you need to consider a few aspects. A factious paper presents either side of an issue. You're going to need to pick a subject first, however your theme should be something that has two clashing focuses or different ends. A wonderful technique to tell if your points is a contention subject is to see whether you can discuss your theme using the information you find. </p> <p>If you wish to realize what a factious article is, the absolute first thing you should recall is that its chief point is to persuade the crowd to acknowledge your viewpoint. Factious expositions use rationale, realities, and thinking to set the victor. So as to truly persuade perusers regarding your viewpoint, the pugnacious paper should likewise show up at the contradicting sees. Each contentious exposition should be founded on a subject which can be discussed. </p> <h2> The Most Popular Teenage Pregnancy Argumentative Essay Topics</h2> <p>Naturally, you should fixate on supporting your theory explanation rather than the rivals. Any awesome assignment gets done with a fabulous end and the absolute best instances of the factious exposition will show up in with an end with a review of the entirety of the focuses along with a substance of the confirmations gave. Set forth plainly, the end should be interesting and keep being unbiased. A marvelous end wi ll sum up all information that has occurred in the report and use it so as to give one last motivation behind why you have to join our side. </p> <p>The forthcoming hardly any sections will establish the greater part of your article. Prior to closing the paper, it is crucial to sum up with a solid accentuation regarding the matter. </p> <p>Check with our pugnacious exposition model at a superior comprehension. A factious exposition is such an article that presents contentions about each side of an issue. Composing a pugnacious exposition can at times be confounding as you don't really see how to create a persuading contention. It is essential to recollect a factious article and a descriptive paper may be comparable, yet they change incredibly concerning the whole of pre-composing and examination included. </p> <p>You may likewise observe scholastic paper. The paper ought to have a little structure, in contrast to an ordinary exposition. Your article should comprise of late insights and information from dependable sources. Composing an influential, factious article can be testing, and now and again it can locate a touch of befuddling. </p> <h2>A Secret Weapon for Teenage Pregnancy Argumentative Essay Topics </h2> <p>Statistics and explicit information may likewise be useful as you contend your chief point. You can't simply begin attempting to discover sources and motivation after you have started composing. On the off chance that you have more data to share, you can incorporate upwards of five body passages. The subject picked for the reason ought to be appealing in the perspective on numerous perusers. </p> <h2>Top Teenage Pregnancy Argumentative Essay Topics Secrets </h2> <p>A part of individuals discover composing as a compelling way to deal with share their contemplations and feelings. Different individuals need various methodologies. You have to understand that various people have different perspectives with respect to precisely the same theme, so show restraint. Look over well known themes that people are enthusiastic about. </p> <p>Essay composing in essence is no basic endeavor to do. It has been around for a serious long time. You can likewise observe Writing Template.</p> <p>The phenomenal contentious Scholarship Essay Samples organizations and tests are simply world-class, and they will motivate people to compose factious papers in different rivalries. A factious article is a composing piece planned to convince an individual to accept the way that you do. It has a particular organization that should be followed to knock the socks off of the peruser, and it is particularly helpful for understudies just as the corporate while making key recommendations. Ordinarily, it has a similar layout as most of customary papers. </p> <p>Remember which you can cause entertaining pugnacious articles in the event that you to do a couple of things. The main thing you're probably going to need to do is to pick a theme that has more than one clear side. Without an awesome proof, no one will accept my words. It is critical to recall that ideal' connections aren't generally present and is impossible between twins. </p>
Sunday, July 26, 2020
What is a Study Essay?
<h1>What is a Study Essay?</h1><p>Writing a postulation for a factious exposition is a significant idea in a scholastic domain. Without knowing about how this functions, understudies are placed in an unsound position. Most understudies attempt to 'roll their own' postulation, yet this doesn't guarantee a decent quality one. The postulation is commonly not a formal composed proposal, yet an assessment based one that can be composed as long as it satisfies certain fundamental criteria.</p><p></p><p>Firstly, it should address the point, which includes leading basic reflection about your subject. It ought to likewise address the creator's assessments in regards to the matter of intrigue. This can be utilized to help contentions of either your position or a restricting party.</p><p></p><p>Thesis for a contentious exposition ought to be supplemented by data with respect to the degree of formal research done in the paper. The understudy ought to incorporate this data to show the perusers that they experience taken the difficulty to seek after formal research.</p><p></p><p>A postulation that is elegantly composed and solid ought to have some close to home comments on the subject. This incorporates assessments, responses, and analysis. The author ought to likewise examine the assessment about the point that can be bolstered by facts.</p><p></p><p>Thesis for a contentious paper should likewise consider all the contentions against your proposition. The author should bring up all the substantial contentions and bolster them with solid proof. The essayist should likewise express the shortcomings of your contentions, just as the strengths.</p><p></p><p>Finally, the writer of the postulation should sign his name and show his level of information. This isn't essential at an undergrad level, however it ought to be done at any degree of instru ction that requires it. This gives the peruser some certainty that the creator is an expert on the subject. Proposition for a factious exposition ought to be written so that it is introduced as a college level theory. This guarantees the understudy can likewise begin his profession in the wake of moving on from post-auxiliary institution.</p>
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Learn How to Write About Yourself With Sample Essays
Learn How to Write About Yourself With Sample EssaysSample essays to write about yourself are the cornerstone of online writing practice. Even if you are an aspiring writer who just finished his first draft, these samples will be invaluable in the long run because they will act as a sort of coaching lesson to make you familiar with the conventions and style of essay writing. In fact, even after you finish writing your own essay, you can still use the sample essays for reference or brainstorming purposes.While these essays can be found on many websites, there are very few examples of how to write about yourself that are useful to the aspiring online writers. The reason for this is that almost all writers have their own distinctive styles when it comes to essay writing and they may not be able to find some of the best examples on the Internet.Thankfully, there are now websites that compile different sample essays for beginners and for the more experienced writers alike. You can use the se examples as a guide and learn the ropes of writing a good essay from the comfort of your home.The basic samples include the general topics that you may encounter in college essays and personal essays. These are articles that give you a good understanding of how to write about yourself in the most effective way possible. You also get to practice your grammar and punctuation so that when you finally sit down to write your own essay, you do not have to worry about the mistakes you made in the earlier stages of writing.One other important benefit is that these samples to help you in developing a sense of realism in the essay that will really come through in your final piece. This helps ensure that you do not use any fancy tricks in order to impress your readers, but rather use the real details of your life so that you can make a more personal and honest statement about what you want to say. As you continue to write, you will develop this skill, which will help you make better essays in the future.Another benefit of these sample essays is that they usually help online writers hone their skills in writing in a particular area. For example, if you are not very comfortable with writing essays with extensive research, you can now easily hone those skills by taking part in writing practice. Likewise, you can get some valuable tips about how to write about yourself from these types of essays because they address topics that you may not be quite familiar with yet.Once you read through all of the sample essays for beginners, you will discover that most of them are written from a real writer's point of view. As such, you can follow along and be inspired by what the writer has written. You can use this inspiration to write your own essay later on.Finally, you should note that these samples come with some tips and tricks that will help online writers become more professional. For example, in some of the samples, the writer notes that he or she has a goal in mind for his or her essay. If this is the case, then the writer will do whatever it takes to achieve this goal so that the essay will be of good quality.
Thursday, July 9, 2020
The Death Of Ivan Ilych The Sad Truth Behind The Façade Of 19th Century Middle Class - Literature Essay Samples
The Death of Ivan Ilych is more than a novella about death: it is a text dedicated to life. Leo Tolstoy diligently paints an accurate portrait of the 19th century middle class and everything that is wrong with the philosophy of life of the people during the time. Establishing a rather simple and seemingly mundane plot with not much action, Tolstoy manages to touch a number of sensitive topics and major problems of middle-class society in a very subtle, yet skillful and clever way. The main character in the novella, Ivan Ilych, is the embodiment of the average man who strives to grow and secure his position in the middle class, building his whole life based on illusions, at the cost of his happiness and his family. Ivan’s life passes him by while he is too busy living up to society’s expectations and chasing after his superficial and preposterous goal, completely oblivious to what the true meaning of life is. Ivan Ilych dedicates his whole life to please those that are â€Å"most highly placed†(Tolstoy 13) and thus to ascend in middle class society. His obsession starts developing during his boyhood and manages to take a toll on his entire life, affecting his philosophy on life, relationships and even his perception of happiness. â€Å"Neither as a boy nor as a man was he a toady, but from early youth was by nature attracted to people of high station as a fly is drawn to the light, assimilating their ways and views of life and establishing friendly relations with them†(Tolstoy 9). The author makes a very strong point by giving an account of the early development of Ivan’s ambition. From his teenage years, Ivan has been subservient to his superficial goal. It is a part of his nature and he cannot help the way he is. Tolstoy, furthermore, makes very clever use of the comparison of Ivan’s ambition to the way â€Å"a fly is drawn to the light†. He condemns Ivan’s aspirations as mindless efforts, which inevitably lead to his doom. Ivan Ilych is willing to do whatever it takes for the sake of reaching his goal, no matter if it is wicked or blameworthy. At school he had done things which had formerly seemed to him very horrid and made him feel disgusted with himself when he did them; but when later on he saw that such actions were done by people of good position and that they did not regard them as wrong, he was able not exactly to regard them as right, but to forget about them entirely or not be at all troubled at remembering them. (Tolstoy 9) Although Ivan instinctively regarded these deeds as wrong and even conflicting with his own understanding of life and appropriateness, the fact that the people amongst whom he aspires to be do not condemn them but, in fact, seem to encourage them, serve to justify the wrong of the situations. Ivan is willing to abandon his morals and turn away from his â€Å"good-natured†(Tolstoy 9 ) character in order to conform with the false imagery of the middle class. He then goes on to arrange his whole life, including his family and house in order to fit in the norm of the middle class. Tolstoy skillfully manages to express the irony and pathetic nature of Ivan’s painstaking efforts to fit in middle class society in one sentence about Ivan’s dream house. In reality it was just what is usually seen in the houses of people of moderate means who want to appear rich, and therefore succeed only in resembling others like themselves: there are damasks, dark wood, plants, rugs, and dull and polished bronzes – all the things people of a certain class have in order to resemble other people of that class. (Tolstoy 19) Ivan puts so much effort into arranging his house in order to affect middle class society that the house ends up looking like all other middle class houses without any personal touch. His house is not a home, but simply a reflection of his superf icial ambitions. Ivan’s house is not the only thing in his life that was created without any personal touch or feelings. His whole family is created based on what society expects to see. Ivan marries, not out of love, but out of necessity, because he believes that he will be better accepted if he has a family. Tolstoy’s explanations of Ivan’s preparation for his married life put emphasis on the superficiality with which the whole situation is filled. â€Å"†¦ so that Ivan Ilych had begun to think that marriage would not impair the easy, agreeable, gay and always decorous character of his life, approved of by society and regarded by himself as natural, but would even improve it†(Tolstoy 13). The lack of any words of affection regarding Ivan’s married life speaks volumes about how shallow this relationship is. He chooses his wife because she was good enough and a â€Å"well connected [†¦] correct young woman†(Tolstoy 13). The author purposefully exc ludes any adjectives connected with love, but includes the strong presence of society in the private matters of Ivan’s â€Å"personal†life. In fact, Ivan’s personal life can be described with any other word but that one. It is built to bring joy to society, not to himself. It is created to add to the perfect faà §ade, not to bring a sense of completeness or joy. It is meant to be exposed, not private. When his wife gets pregnant, Ivan does not experience any paternal feelings and unfortunately he does not develop them at any point of his life later on. He is only happy because he knows that society will approve of this step in his life. With the birth of their child, the attempts to feed it and the various failures in doing so, and with the real and imaginary illnesses of mother and child, in which Ivan Ilychs sympathy was demanded but about which he understood nothing, the need of securing for himself an existence outside his family life became still more imp erative. (Tolstoy 14) Ivan not only does not develop any sympathy or affection for his wife or children but he seems to be annoyed by the whole situation and their demand his for attention. He seeks refuge again in the layers of society. He has nothing in common with his children or with his wife. The only thing that brings the couple together is the arrangement of their home. Though there were some disputes between husband and wife, they were both so well satisfied and had so much to do that it all passed off without any serious quarrels. When nothing was left to arrange it became rather dull and something seemed to be lacking, but they were then making acquaintances, forming habits, and life was growing fuller. (Tolstoy 19) Home decorating is the only thing that husband and wife have in common. This is the only time in which they are not arguing because they are occupied with building the faà §ade that will help them ascend in society. This broken relationship between husband and wife, and father and children affects his whole family and becomes mutual. Later on, when Ivan falls ill and needs people to feel pity and affection for him he realizes his grave mistake. He led his life estranged and not present as a father figure but merely a source of income to his children, and finally at the end of his life when he needs the presence of his family for support they treat him the way he has always treated them – as a burden. Ivan’s ambitions ensured him a superficially pleasant and joyful life, but never a life of happiness. He is portrayed as a character who is completely oblivious to the real joys of life and is capable of experiencing only simple pleasure from mundane tasks. The pleasures connected with his work were pleasures of ambition; his social pleasures were those of vanity; but Ivan Ilychs greatest pleasure was playing bridge. He acknowledged that whatever disagreeable incident happened in his life, the pleasure that beamed like a ray of light above everything else was to sit down to bridge with good players (Tolstoy 21) For Ivan the sources of happiness are achievements at work, superficial social interaction and games. Tolstoy gives the game of bridge such a sarcastic importance in the novella aiming at condemning Ivan’s shallow perception of life. Family has no place in Ivan’s idea of joy and happiness. Ivan’s happiness depends solely on his growth in the middle class and building fake appearances to please those who are above him. However, at the end of his life, Ivan finally is faced with the realization that his whole idea of happiness was a lie. When Ivan is isolated from society for the first time due to his illness, and for the first time becomes aware of his inner world he comes to a terrifying conclusion. â€Å"And in imagination he began to recall the best moments of his pleasant life. But strange to say none of those best moments of his pleasant life now seemed at all what they had then seemed – none of them except the first recollections of childhood†(Tolstoy 46). Ivan finally realizes that he has led a terribly unhappy life. At the very end of his life he comes to the conclusion that the only moment in which he experienced true happiness was during his childhood. During this period of his life he was carefree, not concerned with social norms of living up to society’s expectations, and this is where the beau ty of life lies. To be able to live one’s life according to one’s own beliefs and needs is the best achievement in a person’s life. If one falls in the trap of pleasing someone even if it contradicts with one’s own outlook on life, morals, ideas and aspirations, his life loses meaning. Ivan’s inevitably approaching death caused him to realize that his whole life was deprived of any real purpose. Maybe I did not live as I ought to have done, it suddenly occurred to him. But how could that be, when I did everything properly? (Tolstoy 46). The reason for his meaningless and unhappy life lies in his complete ignorance of his own needs and beliefs for the purpose of superficial success. Even though the decides to ignore these thoughts and go back to his illusions in order to try to preserve his peace of mind, this tragic realization soundly affects his last living moments. Leo Tolstoy portrays a complex but tragic image of middle class society in the 19th century. He shows a society of humans devoid of humanity, feelings, attachments or morals. People who exist but do not live. Their sole concern is to fit in and do what society expects them to do and deems appropriate regardless of their own beliefs or needs. People who strive for success and uniqueness, but waste their lives and end up being just like everybody else. A society built on falseness and appearances. The only positive character in Tolstoy’s novella ends up being the one no one expects to be – the servant, Gerasim. He, in contrast to everyone else, is the only one capable of truly experiencing life because he is the only one who takes pleasure in truth instead of false appearances. The beauty of Gerasim’s philosophy of life lies in that he finds joy in the simple every day things unlike the people surrounding him who are striving to live up to society’s expectat ions by focusing on acquiring wealth and purposeless items.
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