Monday, December 30, 2019

Adam Clayton Powell Biography

A U.S. congressman, civil rights activist, and minister, Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. was born November 29, 1908, in New Haven, Connecticut. As his father had before him, Powell served as pastor of the famed Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, New York. He got his start in politics after his election to the New York City Council, an experience that paved the way for his lengthy but controversial career in Congress. Fast Facts: Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Occupation: Politician, civil rights activist, pastorBorn: November 29, 1908 in New Haven, ConnecticutDied: April 4, 1972 in Miami, FloridaParents: Mattie Fletcher Schaffer and Adam Clayton Powell, Sr.Spouses: Isabel Washington, Hazel Scott, Yvette Flores Diago  Children: Adam Clayton Powell III, Adam Clayton Powell IV, Preston PowellEducation: City University of New York; Colgate University; Columbia UniversityKey Accomplishments: New York City councilman, U.S. congressman, Abyssinian Baptist Church pastorFamous Quote: â€Å"Unless man is committed to the belief that all mankind are his brothers, then he labors in vain and hypocritically in the vineyards of equality.† Early Years Adam Clayton Powell Jr. grew up in New York City to racially mixed parents of European and African descent. The family, which included Powell’s older sister Blanche, had left Connecticut for New York just six months after his birth. His father was named pastor of Abyssinian Baptist Church, a prestigious religious institution that first opened in 1808. During Powell Sr.’s tenure, Abyssinian became one of the nation’s largest churches, making the Powells a very well-known and respected family. Eventually, the younger Powell would make his mark on the famous church. Powell attended New York’s Townsend Harris High School; after graduation, he began his studies at the City College of New York, switching to Colgate University in Hamilton, New York, in 1926. His racially ambiguous appearance allowed Powell to pass for white—be it unintentionally or otherwise. This helped him navigate life in a predominantly white educational institution when most African Americans attended historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). In 1930, he graduated from Colgate and immediately enrolled in Columbia University, earning a master’s degree in 1931 in religious education. With this degree, he could pursue the ministry profession, the same career path as his pastor father. But Powell would be equal parts preacher and activist.   In his role as Abyssinian Church’s assistant minister and business manager, Powell organized a campaign against Harlem Hospital for firing five doctors on the basis of race. In 1932, he helped the vulnerable residents of Harlem by launching an Abyssinian community outreach program that gave clothes, food, and jobs to the needy. The following year, he married Cotton Club performer Isabel Washington, the sister of actress Fredi Washington. Exterior view of the Abyssinian Baptist Church in New York City. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. served as senior pastor until 1970. Photo circa 1923. George Rinhart  /  Getty Images The Making of a Politician Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. flourished as an activist, organizing rent strikes, mass actions, and civil rights campaigns against businesses and agencies that engaged in anti-black discrimination. In 1937, he became the head pastor of the Abyssinian Baptist Church but managed to remain a community activist. For example, he pressured the 1939 World’s Fair in New York City to employ black workers. The young preacher’s racial justice work ingratiated him to the people of Harlem.   With the support of his community and of New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, Powell was elected to the New York City Council in 1941, when he was just 33 years old. He also ventured into journalism that year, editing and publishing a weekly newspaper called The People’s Voice, which allowed him to argue against policies such as racial segregation in the military.   In 1942, Powell received the opportunity to participate in politics on a national stage when a new U.S. congressional district that included much of Harlem was formed. He made civil rights issues, such as fair employment, voting rights, and opposition to lynching, the hallmarks of his campaign. In 1945, Powell was elected to Congress, becoming New York’s first black representative. That same year he divorced his first wife, Isabel Washington, and married his second, actress and jazz artist Hazel Scott. The two would go on to have son Adam Clayton Powell III.   When Powell won a seat in Congress, there was just one other African American in the House of Representatives, William Dawson of Illinois. For a decade, they remained the country’s only two black congressman. Almost immediately after he took office, Powell introduced bills to expand civil rights to all Americans, fight segregation, ban lynching, and outlaw the poll tax that prevented many black voters from taking part in elections. His social justice efforts angered segregationists in Congress, and one—West Virginia Democrat Cleveland Bailey—even punched Powell in a fit of rage. The two men later resolved their differences. Powell also challenged segregation in the House of Representatives in particular, inviting both his staff and black constituents to the whites-only House Restaurant and integrating the press galleries in Congress. And when the Daughters of the American Revolution prohibited his second wife from performing in Constitution Hall because of her skin color, Powell fought the decision. He’d hoped First Lady Bess Truman would intervene, but she did not, leading to a dispute between the Powells and the Trumans that grew so tense that  President Harry Truman banned the congressman from the White House. Rep. Adam Clayton Powell demonstrating. Walter Sanders  /  Getty Images Mired in Controversy In the 1950s, Powell’s mission became global, with the lawmaker advocating for Africans and Asians fighting to liberate themselves from European colonial rule. He traveled abroad for this purpose and made speeches in Congress to get his fellow lawmakers to lend their support to the colonized rather than colonial forces. But Powell’s detractors took issue with his many federally-funded trips abroad, especially because these visits often resulted in him missing votes. The decade also proved challenging for Powell because in 1958 a federal grand jury indicted him for tax evasion, but a hung jury saw him escape conviction. During this challenging period of his professional life, Powell managed to enjoy some career successes as well. He became chair of the Committee on Education and Labor, serving in the role for three terms. Under his leadership, the committee passed dozens of measures to boost funding for the minimum wage, education, vocational training, public libraries, and other entities. The legislation the committee presented to Congress went on to influence the social policies of both the John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson administrations.   Still, Powell continued to draw criticism for his frequent travels, which his detractors used to paint him as an unsuitable committee chair. During this time, Powell’s marriage to Hazel Scott fell apart, and in 1960, he married a divorced hotel worker from San Juan, Puerto Rico, named Yvette Diago Flores with whom he’d have his last child, Adam Clayton Powell IV. The marriage also caused trouble for his congressional career, as Powell put his wife on his payroll despite the fact that she, mostly based in Puerto Rico, performed no actual work for him. The couple later divorced. Adam Clayton Powell Jr. is flanked by reporters, supporters, and onlookers after being accused of misusing government funds, 1967.. Robert Abbott Sengstacke  /Getty Images Powell also faced a backlash for not paying a 1963 slander judgment to a woman he had characterized as a â€Å"bag woman† for gamblers and crooked cops. The case continued for years, making it difficult for either his supporters or foes to forget. Due to Powell’s legal problems and concerns about his work performance, the House Democratic Caucus forced him to give up his committee chairmanship in 1967. The House Judiciary Committee also investigated him and argued that Powell should be fined for misusing government funds and be stripped of his seniority as a congressman. The full House refused to seat him during the investigation, but the congressman won a special election that took place in his district in the wake of the probe against him. Despite this, the House barred him from the 90th Congress, a move the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional since voters had backed him during the special election. Powell’s career, unfortunately, did not recover from the s candals that constantly landed him in the headlines. By a narrow majority, his constituents voted for his opponent Charles Rangel over him in the 1970 Democratic primary.   Death and Legacy After losing his reelection bid, Powell’s health worsened dramatically. He’d been diagnosed with prostate cancer the previous year. He retired as head of the Abyssinian Baptist Church in 1971 and spent most of his final days in the Bahamas. He died April 4, 1972, in Miami at the age of 63.   Today, buildings and streets bear his name, including the Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. State Office Building on Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. boulevard in Harlem. Schools have also been named after him, including PS 153 in New York City and Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Paideia Academy in Chicago. In 2002, the film â€Å"Keep the Faith, Baby,† a phrase Powell often repeated during his legal troubles and controversies, premiered on Showtime. Sources â€Å"Adam Clayton Powell Jr.† History, Art, and Archives, US House of Representatives.  Bill Batson. â€Å"Nyack Sketch Log: Preston Powell’s Teagevity.† Nyack News Views, Feb. 4, 2014.â€Å"Congressional Witness; Yvette Diago Powell.† New York Times, Feb. 17, 1967.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Iwt Task 1 Essay - 1698 Words

Realism versus Pop Art In this life, there are many forms of art or art â€Å"movements† to speak of. How we interpret art is a very subjective thing. What a person sees and feels when looking at art greatly depends on their upbringing, their values, and even their mood at the time of viewing. Could something dark and lacking color be art? What about a comic strip in the newspaper or the billboard down the street? Again, interpretation and taste in art is individual. I elected to explore into the two art movements I like the least to potentially better understand them, and to potentially link them together. Realism was painted to depict real life situations. It was developed by artists to create an illustration of common people and†¦show more content†¦Realism evoked feeling in its everyday life portrayal. Pop Art is unemotional. Although Pop art was originally stated to come from the revolt to Abstract Expressionism, and a jump off of Dadaism, my thoughts are that the similarities between Pop Art and Realism as extensive. They are related in the fact that they both are based on everyday life scenes. While Realism delved into everyday society, Pop Art did the same with the everyday mass media market. Realism was a jump from Romanticism- a fight of the unnatural belief that everything must be romanticized. Pop art was a jump from Abstract Expressionism- a fight of the unnatural belief that everything should spark emotional thought. Pop artists in Germany are referred to as Capitalist Realism artists and, in France, the Pop Art movement is called Nouveau Realisme, directly translated as New Realism. The very famous Mona Lisa was great inspiration for many other art pieces, but none as famous as itself except for Andy Warhol’s silkscreens of the Mona Lisa. It is said that he was so consumed by the famousness and celebrity that the painting created that he became obsessed with it for the rest of his life. His creation of his own Mona Lisa pieces, as well as his Jackie series and his Marilyn series and all the series that Warhol created of the manyShow MoreRelatedEssay On Pan-Sharpening Techniques908 Words   |  4 Pagesat fusing a low-resolution multispectral (LRM) image and a high-resolution panchromatic (HRP) image in order to produce a high-resolution multispectral (HRM) image, has become an effective pre-processing technique in many remote sensing applications [1]. Many remote sensing applications such as land-cover classification, map updating, reconnaissance, etc. demands images with both high spectral and high spatial resolution however most remote sensing satelli tes such as QuickBird, IKONOS, and WorldView-2

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Reading Comic May Help Students Do Better in School Free Essays

Comics as Learning Opportunities Comic books have come a long way since their inception more than 75 years ago. Particularly in the past decade or so, comics have become increasingly recognized for their potential literary value. Offering a combination of reading and visual stimulation that research shows many pre-teen and teen-aged boys prefer, comic books can, according to some studies, help improve literacy. We will write a custom essay sample on Reading Comic May Help Students Do Better in School or any similar topic only for you Order Now And this learning potential has not gone unnoticed. Take the non-profit Kids Love Comics, whose main mission is to raise awareness of comic books as educational vehicles. Consisting of comic book creators and publishers along with educators and even fans, the organization, through tours and participation at comic book conventions, seeks to make comics more accessible and available to children. Encouraging Creativity Children can develop writing and reading skills when they are given the chance to create their own comics through New York City’s Comic Book Project. Established in 2001 and hosted by the Center for Educational Pathways, the program emphasizes learning by having children express themselves through drawing and writing comic books. And Reading With Pictures, a nonprofit organization founded by graphic novelist Josh Elder in 2009, strives to provide comics for educational use by raising awareness in schools around the country. Its goal is to ‘get comics into schools and schools into comics. ‘ The organization conducts research, consults with schools, works with cartoonists on scholastic comics and assists universities in designing courses focusing on the study of comics. Equating Enjoyment with Reading Well-known comic book writer and editor Stan Lee, who created, among others, Spider-Man, the Incredible Hulk and the X-Men, founded the Stan Lee Foundation in 2010. The nonprofit organization is dedicated to providing literary resources and fighting illiteracy. To that end, in May 2011 it joined forces with Team Prime Time, a Los Angeles-based foundation offering programs for low-income and developmentally-disabled children. When asked if he was surprised that comics and education could be combined, Lee answered that as far back as the 1960s he had begun receiving letters from teachers heralding the positive effects of comics on their students. These teachers indicated that they saw improvement in grammar and composition in children who read comic books. Studies show that comics can help young and beginning readers better understand narrative concepts, story structure and character development. At an event at Dodger Stadium hosted by the Stan Lee Foundation and Team Prime Time, graphic novels were given out to any child in attendance. ‘Comics really are a good aid to getting kids to read more literature, increasing their vocabulary and making them want to read,’ Lee told IGN Entertainment. He added, ‘If you’re a kid†¦ you begin to equate enjoyment with reading. ‘ How to cite Reading Comic May Help Students Do Better in School, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

An Investigation of Barriers to Healthcare Upstream Supply Chain

Question: Discuss about the An Investigation of Barriers to Healthcare Upstream Supply Chain in India. Answer: Conclusion: The dissertation investigated the barriers of health care upstream supply chain in India. It has been observed that the health care providers in India have been largely affected by thesupply chain management issues. The health care sector in India has faced several issues in terms of its quality of services which has resulted in the inappropriate use of resources in enhancing the health care supply chain management practices. Additionally, in the recent times, the hospitals in India have faced severe pressure in terms of finding methods for reducing the costs while maintaining and ensuring the quality of services provided. The researcher has identified and analyzed the several factors and challenges that affect supply chain management in India. The researcher also emphasized upon the problems related to supply chainmanagement from the perspectives of the hospital and the doctors. The research also aimed at identifying the best suitable methods of mitigating the problems related to the supply chain management in the health care sector in India. The researcher has used both primary and secondary data collection methods in order to derive the appropriate results. The researcher conducted a questionnaire survey wherein a questionnaire comprising of ten questions were sent to 50 hospital personnel in India. The researcher has also used interview method in order to obtain more accurate and reliable information. Linking with objectives: To determine which factors affecting the upstream SCM of healthcare in India The researcher identified the major factors that affect the upstream supply chain management of health care in India as relationship with suppliers, specifications and standards, after procurement service and compatibility. The researcher found that majority of the respondents believed that the major factor that influenced up streaming supply chain management of healthcare in India is the specification and standard. Several respondents also believed that the major factor was the relationship with the suppliers. Therefore, it can be stated that two major factors that influence upstreaming supply chain management of healthcare in India are specification and standard and relationship with the suppliers. The researcher also analyzed the importance of timely delivery as one of the major factors that affect up streaming supply chain management of healthcare in India. The results showed that a majority of the respondents strongly agreed to the fact that timely delivery is one of the major factors that affect up streaming supply chain management of healthcare in India. The researcher also analyzed the importance of safety in supplying materials from one place to another and the results have proven that a majority of the respondents believe that safety is an important aspect in supplying materials from one place to another. Therefore, it can be stated that time delivery and safety are the most important factors that affect the up streaming supply chain management of healthcare in India. To examine issues that relate to healthcare SCM in a hospital to doctors and hospital perspective The researcher has attempted to identify the issues that relate to healthcare SCM in a hospital to doctors and hospital perspective. From the hospitals perspective, the researcher has observed that most of the respondents have strongly agreed to the fact that misplacement of medical equipments is the major issue that relates to healthcare SCM in a hospital to doctors and hospital perspective. This indicates that misplacement of medical equipments increases the procedure of medical function by creating complications in effective offering of services to the people in need of it. The researcher has also identified poor documentation as an issue that delays the supply chain process. On the other hand, from the perspectives of the doctors, the researcher has identified four major key issues namely misplacement of medical equipments, delays in the delivery of medical products, inferior quality of products and lack of appropriate sustainability certification. A majority of the doctors, who were surveyed, believed that misplacement of medical equipments was the major issue related to health care supply chain upstream for a hospital. The researcher has also identified that several doctors face issues with the quality of the products, cancel of shipments and re- order by the end of the suppliers. The researcher found that corrupt practices in India have been the major reason behind these issues. Lack of proper maintenance of vehicle have also been a a major issue that has negatively affected the quality of medicines. Therefore, it can be stated that improper maintenance of vehicles result in delays in the delivery of the medicines that affects the quality of the produ cts. To determine the various challenges affecting the SCM in healthcare providers in India The researcher has determined the several challenges that affect the supply chain in health care providers in India and has identified four basic challenges. These challenges involve lack of awareness regarding the supply chain management, deficiency of top management support in the supply chain management, poorly integrated Information system and lack of coordinated effort, strategic alliance formation, and knowledge sharing. A majority of the respondents believed deficiency of top management support in the supply chain management as the major challenge that affects the supply chain in health care providers in India. The researcher also identified inconsistency and inaccuracy in the product information as the major challenge that affects the supply chain in health care providers in India. The researcher found that several organizations have been using consolidates warehouse process in order to combine small shipments into larger shipment loads. The researcher also identified inability to meet changing demand pattern, limited communication among parties and incompetent cold chain management during transportation as the major challenges that have huge impact on the health care providers in India. A majority of the respondents have considered inability to meet changing demand pattern as the major challenge that impact health care providers in India. Therefore, it can be stated that inability to meet changing demand pattern and deficiency of top management support in the supply chain management are the major challenges identified in the health care sector in India. To suggest strategies used to mitigate the challenges identified in healthcare The major key strategies identified and surveyed by the researcher for mitigating the challenges faced by the health care sector were encouraging top management commitment, enhancing logistic synchronization, improving communication at every stage and staff training. The majority of respondents believed that encouraging the top management commitment was the best strategy to mitigate the challenges identified in health care. The researcher identified that the top management of the hospitals must manage to fulfil their objectives in less time so as to mitigate the challenges faced by the health care sector in India. This is possible only when the top management of the organizations are encouraged to operate the business process and obtain favourable results. The researcher has also determined that communication acts as a vital tool in making everyone aware of the present situation of supply chain management. A majority of the respondents strongly agreed to the fact that communication plays a vital role in making everyone aware of the current situation of supply chain management. This is because communication plays a vital role in making the staff members aware about their roles and responsibilities in the organization. The researcher has also identified that logistics synchronization can be enhanced by ensuring proper communication and incorporating technological advancements in the supply chain management. Recommendation: Based upon the data analysis and the conclusion, the researcher has suggested that the health care sector in India must emphasize upon time delivery and safety as they are the factors that affect the up streaming supply chain management of healthcare in India. It is also recommended to ensure specification and standard and relationship with the suppliers in order to upstream the supply chain management of healthcare in India. Proper maintenance of vehicles are necessary in order to avoid delays in the delivery of the medicines and to ensure the proper quality of the products. Misplacement of medical equipments has been identified as the major issue related to health care supply chain upstream for a hospital and must be avoided. The top management support in the supply chain management must be ensured as it has been identified as a major challenge that affects the supply chain in health care providers in India. Therefore, the top management of the organizations must be encouraged to operate the business process in order to obtain favourable results. Proper communication among parties and competent cold chain management during transportation must be ensured in order to avoid the challenges faced by the health care sector in India. Consistency and accuracy in the product information must be ensured in order to improve the efficiency of the supply chain management in the health care sector in India. Inability to meet changing demand pattern has also been observed to be a huge challenge in the health care sector in India and must be solved using appropriate logistics synchronization. The top management of the hospitals must manage to fulfil their objectives in less time so as to mitigate the challenges faced by the health care sector in India. Proper communication must also be ensured within the organizations so that all the staff members fulfil their duties and responsibilities as per the requirements. Limitations of the research: The major limitation of the research is that it was based upon questionnaire survey, which included direct answers from the respondents. The questionnaire were distributed via email as a large number of respondents were involved, which created issues while collecting the primary data. Time was a major constraint in this research as the researcher had to cover several aspects related to the health care sector in India within a short interval of time. The researcher required more time duration for conducting in depth analysis for obtaining proper results that would benefit the health care sector in India. Future scope of the study: Future scope of the study plays a vital role wherein the the uncovered parts of the research are explored as further research is required to improve those sections. The researcher has provided several opportunities for conducting further research on the research topic for exploring the the uncovered areas. The research does not provide information regarding the technologies that might be used in order to improve the efficiency of the supply chain management in the health care sector in India. Therefore, the future research shall require more time and effort to explore the uncovered areas. References: Bam, L., McLaren, Z.M., Coetzee, E. and von Leipzig, K.H., 2017. Reducing stock-outs of essential tuberculosis medicines: a system dynamics modelling approach to supply chain management.Health policy and planning,32(8), pp.1127-1134. Gardner, J.W., Linderman, K.W. and McFadden, K.L., 2018. Managing Quality Crossroads in Healthcare: An Integrative Supply Chain Perspective.Quality Management Journal,25(1), pp.2-17. Govindan, K., Kaliyan, M., Kannan, D. and Haq, A.N., 2014. 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