Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Effects Of Environmental Degradation On The Environment

The human relationship to the environment has evolved over time as humans have made technological advancements and cultural changes. While some may argue that humanity is distant from nature, that could not be further from the truth. While the human relationship to nature is not the same as it may have been in the past, humans still rely on nature for their livelihood. Humans also have a strong impact on nature, and processes which occur in nature, through their actions. In the last decade, the issue of environmental degradation has become a topic of global concern and discussion. This discussion is threading together a narrative that helps the public - and scholars - better understand the human relationship to the environment. While this push forward in environmental agenda is a good thing, there needs to be an ongoing dialogue which allows for the understanding that environmental degradation is not only a risk to a certain biome, but all of the diversity that exists within a certain region - a good example of this being Papua New Guinea. The rainforest of Papua New Guinea are incredibly rich and diverse environments; the rainforest not only houses a wide variety of plant and animal species, but is also home many indigenous groups. By examining the changes in Papua New Guinea’s rainforest throughout time, a better understanding of the complex and dynamic human relationship to nature will be achieved.Show MoreRelatedEnvironmental Degradation And Its Effects On Our Environment1432 Words   |  6 PagesWe, as humans, have always had a prevalent impact on our environment and our world as a whole. 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